Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More fun with colour

The first bowl in cherry has the exterior finished with Plastikote two-part crackle, Jo Sonja gold iridescent acrylic, and Wood Doc 20. I thinned the gold paint hoping to apply it with an atomiser tube but couldn't blow hard enough to raise the paint. Ha, stuck a dusting needle from the compressor into the blow pipe, turned it up to 80 psi and out came the paint! The softer wood within each growth ring took more paint and added a pleasant grain effect.

The next two bowls are coloured with the Sonja iridescent paints applied by sponge.

The final piece is a small cross grain elm platter with the rim decorated with the Plastikote crackle. (I'm getting better results with the crackle on face grain.)

Cherry end-grain bowl 7" x 5"

Sycamore bowl 7" x 3 1/2"

Sycamore bowl 8" x 5"

Elm platter 7" diameter


Petraruns said...

Bill these are extraordinary! Beautiful! I love how you keep experimenting and moving ahead / on with your work. Gorgeous - really lovely to see these photos come up on FaceBook!

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing!!

Drusy said...

I liked Zarich's comment about your golden painted bowl - that it looked so special it should hold blood in secret ceremonies or have mystical powers.